FAKE - F# Make


Contains code to configure FAKE for AppVeyor integration

Nested types and modules


AppVeyor environment variables as described


Type of artifact that is pushed


AppVeyor parameters for artifact push as described


Union type representing the available test result formats accepted by AppVeyor.


AppVeyor parameters for update build as described

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: PushArtifactParams

AppVeyor artifact push default parameters

FinishTestCase (...)
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> testCaseName:string -> duration:TimeSpan -> unit

Finishes the test case.

FinishTestSuite testSuiteName
Signature: testSuiteName:'a -> unit
Type parameters: 'a

Finishes the test suite.

IgnoreTestCase (...)
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> testCaseName:string -> message:'a -> unit
Type parameters: 'a

Ignores the test case.

PushArtifact setParams
Signature: setParams:(PushArtifactParams -> PushArtifactParams) -> unit

Push an artifact

PushArtifacts paths
Signature: paths:seq<string> -> unit

Push multiple artifacts

SetVariable name value
Signature: name:string -> value:string -> unit

Set environment variable

StartTestCase testSuiteName testCaseName
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> testCaseName:string -> unit

Starts the test case.

StartTestSuite testSuiteName
Signature: testSuiteName:'a -> unit
Type parameters: 'a

Starts the test suite.

TestFailed (...)
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> testCaseName:string -> message:string -> details:string -> unit

Reports a failed test.

TestSucceeded testSuiteName testCaseName
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> testCaseName:string -> unit

Reports a succeeded test.

UpdateBuild setParams
Signature: setParams:(UpdateBuildParams -> UpdateBuildParams) -> unit

Update build details

UpdateBuildVersion version
Signature: version:string -> unit

Update build version. This must be unique for the current project.

UploadTestResultsFile (...)
Signature: testResultsType:TestResultsType -> file:string -> unit

Uploads a test result file to make them visible in Test tab of the build console.

UploadTestResultsXml (...)
Signature: testResultsType:TestResultsType -> outputDir:string -> unit

Uploads all the test results ".xml" files in a directory to make them visible in Test tab of the build console.

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