FAKE - F# Make


Operations and tasks for working with gzip compressed files.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
CompressFile outFile file
Signature: outFile:FileInfo -> file:FileInfo -> unit

Compresses a file using bzip2.


  • outFile - The compressed output file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • file - The file to be compressed.
compressStream inner
Signature: inner:Stream -> BZip2OutputStream

Wraps an output stream with a bzip2 compressor.

createFile file
Signature: file:FileInfo -> BZip2OutputStream

Creates a BZip2OutputStream wrapping a file.


  • file - The FileInfo describing the location to which the compressed file should be written. Will be overwritten if it exists.
ExtractFile outFile file
Signature: outFile:FileInfo -> file:FileInfo -> unit

Extracts a file compressed with bzip2.


  • outFile - The extracted output file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • file - The compressed file.
extractStream inner
Signature: inner:Stream -> BZip2InputStream

Wraps an input stream with a bzip2 decompressor.

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