FAKE - F# Make


Operations and tasks for working with tar archives.

Nested types and modules


Operations and tasks for working with tar archives compressed with BZip2.


Operations and tasks for working with tar archives compressed with GZip.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
addEntry outStream
Signature: outStream:TarOutputStream -> ArchiveFileSpec -> unit

Adds a file, specified by an ArchiveFileSpec, to a TarOutputStream.

CompressDir flatten baseDir archiveFile
Signature: flatten:bool -> baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> unit

Creates a tar archive containing all the files in a directory.


  • flatten - If set to true then all subfolders are merged into the root folder of the archive.
  • baseDir - The base directory to be archived. This directory will be the root of the resulting archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
CompressDirWithDefaults (...)
Signature: baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> unit

Creates a tar.gz archive containing all the files in a directory.


  • baseDir - The base directory to be archived. This directory will be the root of the resulting archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
createFile file
Signature: file:FileInfo -> TarOutputStream

Creates a TarOutputStream wrapping a file using the given parameters.


  • file - The FileInfo describing the location to which the archive should be written. Will be overwritten if it exists.
Extract extractDir archiveFile
Signature: extractDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> unit

Extracts a tar archive to a given directory.


  • targetDir - The directory into which the archived files will be extracted.
  • archiveFile - The archive to be extracted.
extractStream inner
Signature: inner:Stream -> TarInputStream

Wraps an input stream with a tar container extractor.

store file items
Signature: file:FileInfo -> items:seq<ArchiveFileSpec> -> unit

Constructs a function that will create a tar archive from a set of files.

Store flatten baseDir archiveFile files
Signature: flatten:bool -> baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> files:seq<FileInfo> -> unit

Creates a tar archive with the given files.


  • flatten - If set to true then all subfolders are merged into the root folder of the archive.
  • baseDir - The relative directory of the files to be archived. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within the archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • files - A sequence of files to store.
StoreSpecs archiveFile fileSpecs
Signature: archiveFile:FileInfo -> fileSpecs:seq<ArchiveFileSpec> -> unit

Creates a tar archive with the given archive file specifications.


  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • fileSpecs - A sequence of archive file specifications.
storeStream inner
Signature: inner:Stream -> TarOutputStream

Wraps an output stream with a tar container store.

StoreWithDefaults (...)
Signature: baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> files:seq<FileInfo> -> unit

Creates a tar archive with the given files with default parameters.


  • baseDir - The relative directory of the files to be archived. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within the archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • files - A sequence of files to store.
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