FAKE - F# Make


Operations and tasks for working with zip archives.

Nested types and modules


The zip archive compression parameters.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
addZipEntry outStream
Signature: outStream:ZipOutputStream -> ArchiveFileSpec -> unit

Adds a file, specified by an ArchiveFileSpec, to a ZipOutputStream.

compress zipParams
Signature: zipParams:ZipCompressionParams -> FileInfo -> seq<ArchiveFileSpec> -> unit

Constructs a function that will create a zip archive from a set of files.

Compress (...)
Signature: setParams:(ZipCompressionParams -> ZipCompressionParams) -> flatten:bool -> baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> files:seq<FileInfo> -> unit

Creates a zip archive with the given files.


  • setParams - A function which modifies the default compression parameters.
  • flatten - If set to true then all subfolders are merged into the root folder of the archive.
  • baseDir - The relative directory of the files to be compressed. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within the archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • files - A sequence of files to compress.
CompressDir (...)
Signature: setParams:(ZipCompressionParams -> ZipCompressionParams) -> flatten:bool -> baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> unit

Creates a zip archive containing all the files in a directory.


  • setParams - A function which modifies the default compression parameters.
  • flatten - If set to true then all subfolders are merged into the root folder of the archive.
  • baseDir - The base directory to be compressed. This directory will be the root of the resulting archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
CompressDirWithDefaults (...)
Signature: baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> unit

Creates a zip archive containing all the files in a directory.


  • baseDir - The base directory to be compressed. This directory will be the root of the resulting archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
CompressSpecs (...)
Signature: setParams:(ZipCompressionParams -> ZipCompressionParams) -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> fileSpecs:seq<ArchiveFileSpec> -> unit

Creates a zip archive with the given archive file specifications.


  • setParams - A function which modifies the default compression parameters.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • fileSpecs - A sequence of archive file specifications.
compressStream arg1 inner
Signature: ZipCompressionParams -> inner:Stream -> ZipOutputStream

Wraps an output stream with a zip compressor.

CompressWithDefaults (...)
Signature: baseDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> files:seq<FileInfo> -> unit

Creates a zip archive with the given files with default parameters.


  • baseDir - The relative directory of the files to be compressed. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within the archive.
  • archiveFile - The output archive file. If existing, will be overwritten.
  • files - A sequence of files to compress.
createFile zipParams file
Signature: zipParams:ZipCompressionParams -> file:FileInfo -> ZipOutputStream

Creates a ZipOutputStream wrapping a file using the given parameters.


  • zipParams - The zip compression parameters.
  • file - The FileInfo describing the location to which the archive should be written. Will be overwritten if it exists.
Extract extractDir archiveFile
Signature: extractDir:DirectoryInfo -> archiveFile:FileInfo -> unit

Extracts a zip archive to a given directory.


  • extractDir - The directory into which the archived files will be extracted.
  • archiveFile - The archive to be extracted.
extractStream inner
Signature: inner:Stream -> ZipInputStream

Wraps an input stream with a zip decompressor.

Signature: ZipCompressionParams

The default zip archive compression parameters


  • Level - CompressionLevel.Default
  • Comment - None
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