FAKE - F# Make


Contains tasks to stage and deploy Azure website and webjobs using source code deployment with Kudu Sync.

Nested types and modules


The different types of web jobs.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: string

Location where synced outputs should be deployed to.

Signature: string

Location where staged outputs should go before synced up to the site.

getWebJobPath webJobType webJobName
Signature: webJobType:WebJobType -> webJobName:string -> string

Gets the path for deploying a web job to.

Signature: string

The path to the KuduSync application.

kuduSync ()
Signature: unit -> unit

Synchronises all staged files from the temporary deployment to the actual deployment, removing any obsolete files, updating changed files and adding new files.

Signature: string

Used by KuduSync for tracking and diffing deployments.

Signature: string

Used by KuduSync for tracking and diffing deployments.

stageFolder source shouldInclude
Signature: source:string -> shouldInclude:(string -> bool) -> unit

Stages a folder and all subdirectories into the temp deployment area, ready for deployment into the website.

stageWebJob webJobType webJobName files
Signature: webJobType:WebJobType -> webJobName:string -> files:seq<string> -> unit

Stages a set of files into a WebJob folder in the temp deployment area, ready for deployment into the website as a webjob.

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