FAKE - F# Make


Contains helper function which allow to interact with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Nested types and modules


A parameter type to interact with Dynamics NAV


A Dynamics NAV server type


The parameter type allows to interact with Dynamics NAV RTC.


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
analyzeTestResults fileName
Signature: fileName:string -> TestResults option

Analyzes the Dynamics NAV test results

analyzeXmlTestResults fileName testSuite
Signature: fileName:string -> testSuite:string -> TestResults option

Analyzes the XML-based Dynamics NAV test results from XMLPort 130021

CloseAllNavProcesses (...)
Signature: raiseExceptionIfNotFound:bool -> unit

Closes all running Dynamics NAV instances

CompileAll connectionInfo
Signature: connectionInfo:DynamicsNavParams -> unit

Compiles all uncompiled objects in the Dynamics NAV client.

createConnectionInfo (...)
Signature: navClientVersion:string -> serverMode:NavisionServerType -> serverName:string -> targetDatabase:string -> DynamicsNavParams

Creates the connection information to a Dynamics NAV instance.

CreateImportFile importFileName files
Signature: importFileName:string -> files:seq<string> -> unit

Creates an import file from the given .txt files.

createRTCConnectionInfo (...)
Signature: navClientVersion:string -> serverName:string -> serviceTierName:string -> port:int -> company:string -> RTCParams

Creates the connection information to a Dynamics NAV RTC instance

ensureAllNAVProcessesHaveStopped timeout
Signature: timeout:TimeSpan -> unit

Waits until all NAV processes have stopped or fails after given timeout.


  • name - The name of the processes in question.
  • timeout - The timespan to time out after.
ExportAllObjects connectionInfo fileName
Signature: connectionInfo:DynamicsNavParams -> fileName:string -> unit

Exports all objects from the Dynamics NAV client to the given .txt or .fob file

ExportObjects (...)
Signature: connectionInfo:DynamicsNavParams -> filter:string -> fileName:string -> unit

Exports objects from the Dynamics NAV client based on the given filter to the given .txt or .fob file

getNAVClassicPath navClientVersion
Signature: navClientVersion:string -> string

Retrieves the the file name of the Dynamics NAV ClassicClient for the given version from the registry.

getNAVPath navClientVersion
Signature: navClientVersion:string -> string

Gets the directory of the Dynamics NAV ClassicClient for the given version from the registry.

getNAVProcesses ()
Signature: unit -> seq<Process>

Returns all running NAV processes.

getNAVServicePath navClientVersion
Signature: navClientVersion:string -> string
ImportFile connectionInfo fileName
Signature: connectionInfo:DynamicsNavParams -> fileName:string -> unit

Imports the given .txt or .fob file into the Dynamics NAV client

ImportFiles (...)
Signature: connectionInfo:DynamicsNavParams -> importFileName:string -> files:seq<string> -> unit

Creates an import file from the given .txt files and imports it into the Dynamics NAV client. If the import fails, then every file will be tried alone.

OpenPage connectionInfo pageNo
Signature: connectionInfo:RTCParams -> pageNo:int -> bool

Opens a page with the given ID on the RTC client

RunCodeunit connectionInfo codeunitID
Signature: connectionInfo:RTCParams -> codeunitID:int -> unit

Runs a codeunit with the given ID on the RTC client

StartNavServiceTier (...)
Signature: serverMode:NavisionServerType -> navClientVersion:string -> unit
StopNavServiceTier (...)
Signature: serverMode:NavisionServerType -> navClientVersion:'?10154 -> unit
Type parameters: '?10154
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