FAKE - F# Make


This module contains a file pattern globbing implementation.

Nested types and modules


Internal representation of a file set.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( -- ) x pattern
Signature: x:FileIncludes -> pattern:string -> FileIncludes

Exclude operator

( !! ) x
Signature: x:string -> FileIncludes

Includes a single pattern and scans the files - !! x = AllFilesMatching x

( ++ ) x pattern
Signature: x:FileIncludes -> pattern:string -> FileIncludes

Add Include operator

findToolFolderInSubPath (...)
Signature: toolname:string -> defaultPath:string -> string

Looks for a tool in all subfolders - returns the folder where the tool was found.

findToolInSubPath toolname defaultPath
Signature: toolname:string -> defaultPath:string -> string

Looks for a tool first in its default path, if not found the in ./packages/ and then in all subfolders of the root folder - returns the tool file name.

Include x
Signature: x:string -> FileIncludes

Include files

SetBaseDir dir fileIncludes
Signature: dir:string -> fileIncludes:FileIncludes -> FileIncludes

Sets a directory as baseDirectory for fileIncludes.

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