FAKE - F# Make


Contains helper functions which allow to interact with the F# Interactive.

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
createDirectiveRegex id
Signature: id:string -> Regex
executeBuildScriptWithArgsAndFsiArgsAndReturnMessages (...)
Signature: script:string -> scriptArgs:string [] -> fsiArgs:string [] -> useCache:bool -> bool * ConsoleMessage list

Run the given buildscript with fsi.exe and allows for extra arguments to the script. Returns output.

executeBuildScriptWithArgsAndReturnMessages (...)
Signature: script:string -> scriptArgs:string [] -> useCache:bool -> bool * ConsoleMessage list

Run the given buildscript with fsi.exe and allows for extra arguments to the script. Returns output.

executeFSI workingDirectory script env
Signature: workingDirectory:string -> script:string -> env:seq<string * string> -> bool * seq<ConsoleMessage>

Run the given buildscript with fsi.exe

executeFSIWithArgs (...)
Signature: workingDirectory:string -> script:string -> extraFsiArgs:string list -> env:seq<string * string> -> bool

Run the given build script with fsi.exe and allows for extra arguments to FSI.

executeFSIWithScriptArgsAndReturnMessages (...)
Signature: script:string -> scriptArgs:string [] -> bool * seq<ConsoleMessage>

Run the given build script with fsi.exe and allows for extra arguments to the script. Returns output.

Signature: string

The path to the F# Interactive tool.

fsiStartInfo (...)
Signature: script:string -> workingDirectory:string -> env:seq<string * string> -> info:ProcessStartInfo -> unit

Creates a ProcessStartInfo which is configured to the F# Interactive.

getAllScriptContents pathsAndContents
Signature: pathsAndContents:seq<Script> -> seq<string>
getAllScripts scriptPath
Signature: scriptPath:string -> seq<Script>
getIncludedAssembly scriptContents
Signature: scriptContents:string -> seq<string>
getScriptHash (...)
Signature: pathsAndContents:seq<Script> -> fsiOptions:seq<string> -> string
getSearchPaths scriptContents
Signature: scriptContents:string -> seq<string>
Signature: Regex
Signature: Regex
nameParser scriptFileName
Signature: scriptFileName:string -> string * (string -> string) * (string -> string option)

because it is used by test code

Signature: Regex
runBuildScript (...)
Signature: printDetails:bool -> script:string -> extraFsiArgs:string list -> env:seq<string * string> -> useCache:bool -> bool

Run the given buildscript with fsi.exe

runBuildScriptAt (...)
Signature: printDetails:bool -> script:string -> extraFsiArgs:string list -> env:seq<string * string> -> useCache:bool -> bool

Run the given buildscript with fsi.exe at the given working directory.

runBuildScriptWithFsiArgsAt (...)
Signature: printDetails:bool -> FsiArgs -> env:seq<string * string> -> useCache:bool -> bool

Run the given buildscript with fsi.exe at the given working directory. Provides full access to Fsi options and args.

Signature: Regex
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