FAKE - F# Make


Contains helper functions which can be used to retrieve file status information from git.

Nested types and modules


A type which represents a file status in git.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
cleanWorkingCopy repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> unit

Cleans the working copy by doing a git reset --hard and a clean -f.

getAllFiles repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> seq<FileStatus * string>

Gets all changed files in the current revision

getChangedFiles (...)
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> revision1:string -> revision2:string -> seq<FileStatus * string>

Gets the changed files between the given revisions

getChangedFilesInWorkingCopy (...)
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> revision:string -> seq<FileStatus * string>

Gets the changed files since the given revision incl. changes in the working copy

getConflictedFiles repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string list

Gets all conflicted files

getRebaseDir repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string

Returns the current rebase directory for the given repository.

isInTheMiddleOfConflictedMerge (...)
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> bool

Returns true if the working copy is in a conflicted merge otherwise false

isInTheMiddleOfPatch repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> bool

Returns true if the given repository is in the middle of a patch process.

isInTheMiddleOfRebase repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> bool

Returns true if the given repository is in the middle of a rebase process.

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