FAKE - F# Make


Contains helper functions which can be used to retrieve status information from git.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
describe repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string

Gets the last git tag by calling git describe

getBranchName repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string

Gets the git branch name

getCurrentHash ()
Signature: unit -> string

Gets the current hash of the current repository

getCurrentSHA1 repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string

Returns the SHA1 of the current HEAD

getLastTag ()
Signature: unit -> string

Gets the last git tag of the current repository by calling git describe

getVersion repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string

Gets the git version

isAheadOf repositoryDir rev1 rev2
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> rev1:string -> rev2:string -> bool

Returns true if rev1 is ahead of rev2

isCleanWorkingCopy repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> bool

Checks if the working copy is clean

isGitVersionHigherOrEqual (...)
Signature: referenceVersion:string -> bool
isVersionHigherOrEqual (...)
Signature: currentVersion:string -> referenceVersion:string -> bool
shortlog repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> string

Gets the git log in one line

showName repositoryDir sha1
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> sha1:string -> string

Returns a friendly name from a SHA1

showStatus repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> unit

Shows the git status

Signature: Regex
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