FAKE - F# Make


Contains functions which allow basic operations on git repositories. All operations assume that the CommandHelper can find git.exe.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
clone workingDir repoUrl toPath
Signature: workingDir:string -> repoUrl:string -> toPath:string -> unit

Clones a git repository.


  • workingDir - The working directory.
  • repoUrl - The URL to the origin.
  • toPath - Specifes the new target subfolder.
cloneSingleBranch (...)
Signature: workingDir:string -> repoUrl:string -> branchName:string -> toPath:string -> unit

Clones a single branch of a git repository.


  • workingDir - The working directory.
  • repoUrl - The URL to the origin.
  • branchname - Specifes the target branch.
  • toPath - Specifes the new target subfolder.
fullclean repositoryDir
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> unit

Cleans a directory by removing all files and sub-directories.


  • repositoryDir - The path of the directory to clean.
init repositoryDir bare shared
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> bare:bool -> shared:bool -> unit

Inits a git repository.


  • repositoryDir - The path of the target directory.
  • bare - If the new directory is a bare directory.
  • shared - Specifies that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users. This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.
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