FAKE - F# Make


Contains tasks which allow to control NT services.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
checkRemoteServiceExists host name
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> bool

Returns whether a remote service with the given name exists.


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the service in question.
checkServiceExists name
Signature: name:string -> bool

Returns whether a local service with the given name exists.


  • name - The name of the service in question.
ensureRemoteServiceHasStarted (...)
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> timeout:TimeSpan -> unit

Waits until the remote service with the given name has been started or fails after given timeout


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the service in question.
  • timeout - The timespan to time out after.
ensureRemoteServiceHasStopped (...)
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> timeout:TimeSpan -> unit

Waits until the remote service with the given name has been stopped or fails after given timeout


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the service in question.
  • timeout - The timespan to time out after.
ensureServiceHasStarted name timeout
Signature: name:string -> timeout:TimeSpan -> unit

Waits until the local service with the given name has been started or fails after given timeout


  • name - The name of the service in question.
  • timeout - The timespan to time out after.
ensureServiceHasStopped name timeout
Signature: name:string -> timeout:TimeSpan -> unit

Waits until the local service with the given name has been stopped or fails after given timeout


  • name - The name of the service in question.
  • timeout - The timespan to time out after.
getRemoteService host name
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> ServiceController option

Returns the first remote service with given name or None.


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the service in question.
getRemoteServices host name
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> seq<ServiceController>

Returns sequence of remote services with given name.


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the services in question.
getRemoteServiceStatus host name
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> ServiceControllerStatus

Returns status of the remote service with given name or fails when service is not found.


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the service in question.
getService name
Signature: name:string -> ServiceController option

Returns the first local service with given name or None.


  • name - The name of the service in question.
getServices name
Signature: name:string -> seq<ServiceController>

Returns sequence of local services with given name.


  • name - The name of the services in question.
getServiceStatus name
Signature: name:string -> ServiceControllerStatus

Returns status of the local service with given name or fails when service is not found.


  • name - The name of the service in question.
isService name service
Signature: name:string -> service:ServiceController -> bool

Returns whether the given service has the given name as display or service name.


  • name - The name to check for.
  • service - The service in question.
startRemoteService host name
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> unit

Starts all remote services with given name.


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the services in question.
startService name
Signature: name:string -> unit

Starts all local services with given name.


  • name - The name of the services in question.
stopRemoteService host name
Signature: host:string -> name:string -> unit

Stops all services with given name.


  • host - The hostname of the remote machine.
  • name - The name of the services in question.
stopService name
Signature: name:string -> unit

Stops all local services with given name.


  • name - The name of the services in question.
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