FAKE - F# Make


Contains a task to sign assemblies using the SignTool.


The SignTool needs a certificate to sign assemblies. It is not a good idea to include a certficate in your source control system, but the sign step should be usable on developer machines. Because of this, you can specify a dev certificate that can safely included in your source control system. Whenever the real certificate can not be found, the dev certificate will be used.

Nested types and modules


Represents a certificate file and an optional password


Parameters used for signing.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
AppendSignature (...)
Signature: toolsPath:string -> parameters:SignParams -> filesToSign:seq<string> -> unit

Appends a SHA 256 signature to assemblies according to the settings specified in the parameters using signtool.exe. This will be looked up using the toolsPath parameter.

Sign toolsPath parameters filesToSign
Signature: toolsPath:string -> parameters:SignParams -> filesToSign:seq<string> -> unit

Signs assemblies according to the settings specified in the parameters using signtool.exe. This will be looked up using the toolsPath parameter.

SignTool (...)
Signature: toolsPath:string -> certFile:string -> passFile:string option -> filesToSign:seq<string> -> unit

Signs all files in filesToSign with the certification file certFile, protected with the password in the file passFile. The signtool will be search in the toolPath.

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