FAKE - F# Make


This module contains function which allow to trace build output

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
closeAllOpenTags ()
Signature: unit -> unit
closeTag tag
Signature: tag:string -> unit

Removes an opening tag from the internal tag stack

Signature: ITraceListener
exceptionAndInnersToString ex
Signature: ex:Exception -> string

Converts an exception and its inner exceptions to a nice string.

Signature: string

Gets the path of the current FAKE instance

Signature: string

Gets the FAKE version no.

Signature: string

Gets the FAKE Version string

log message
Signature: message:string -> unit

Logs the specified string

Log message files
Signature: message:string -> files:seq<string> -> unit

Logs the given files with the message.

logf fmt
Signature: fmt:StringFormat<'?12273,unit> -> '?12273
Type parameters: '?12273

Logs the specified message (without line break)

logfn fmt
Signature: fmt:StringFormat<'a,unit> -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a

Logs the specified message

logToConsole (msg, eventLogEntry)
Signature: (msg:string * eventLogEntry:EventLogEntryType) -> unit

Traces the message to the console

logVerbosefn fmt
Signature: fmt:StringFormat<'a,unit> -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a

Logs the specified string if the verbose mode is activated.

openTag tag
Signature: tag:string -> unit

Puts an opening tag on the internal tag stack

trace message
Signature: message:string -> unit

Writes a trace to the command line (in green)

traceEndBuild ()
Signature: unit -> unit

Traces the end of the build

traceEndTarget name
Signature: name:string -> unit

Traces the end of a target

traceEndTask task description
Signature: task:string -> description:string -> unit

Traces the end of a task

TraceEnvironmentVariables ()
Signature: unit -> unit

Traces the EnvironmentVariables

traceError error
Signature: error:string -> unit

Traces an error (in red)

traceException ex
Signature: ex:Exception -> unit

Traces an exception details (in red)

tracef fmt
Signature: fmt:StringFormat<'a,unit> -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a

Writes a message to the command line (in green) and without a line break

traceFAKE fmt
Signature: fmt:StringFormat<'a,unit> -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a

Writes a trace to the command line (in yellow)

tracefn fmt
Signature: fmt:StringFormat<'a,unit> -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a

Writes a message to the command line (in green)

traceHeader name
Signature: name:string -> unit

Traces a header

traceImportant text
Signature: text:string -> unit

Writes a trace to stderr (in yellow)

traceLine ()
Signature: unit -> unit

Traces a line

traceStartBuild ()
Signature: unit -> unit

Traces the begin of the build

traceStartTarget (...)
Signature: name:string -> description:string -> dependencyString:string -> unit

Traces the begin of a target

traceStartTask task description
Signature: task:string -> description:string -> unit

Traces the begin of a task

traceStartTaskUsing task description
Signature: task:string -> description:string -> IDisposable

Traces the begin of a task and closes it again after disposing of the return value (call it with 'use')

traceVerbose s
Signature: s:string -> unit

Writes a trace to the command line (in green) if the verbose mode is activated.

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