FAKE - F# Make


Contains types and utility functions relaited to running NUnit unit tests.

Nested types and modules


The /domain option controls of the creation of AppDomains for running tests. See NUnit-Console Command Line Options


Option which allows to specify if a NUnit error should break the build.


The NUnit Console Parameters type. FAKE will use NUnitDefaults for values not provided.

For reference, see: NUnit-Console Command Line Options


Process model for nunit to use, see Project Editor

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: NUnitParams

The NUnitParams default parameters.


  • IncludeCategory - ""
  • ExcludeCategory - ""
  • ToolPath - The nunit-console.exe path if it exists in a subdirectory of the current directory.
  • ToolName - "nunit-console.exe"
  • DontTestInNewThread- false
  • StopOnError - false
  • OutputFile - "TestResult.xml"
  • Out - ""
  • ErrorOutputFile - ""
  • WorkingDir - ""
  • Framework - ""
  • ProcessModel - DefaultProcessModel
  • ShowLabels - true
  • XsltTransformFile - ""
  • TimeOut - 5 minutes
  • DisableShadowCopy - false
  • Domain - DefaultDomainModel
  • ErrorLevel - Error
  • Fixture - ""

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |OK|TestsFailed|FatalError| ) (...)
Signature: errorCode:int -> Choice<unit,unit,string>

NUnit console returns negative error codes for errors and sum of failed, ignored and exceptional tests otherwise. Zero means that all tests passed.

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